Introducing the Membership for WooCommerce plugin, the best WordPress membership plugin! Effortlessly manage multiple subscriptions and create unlimited membership levels on your membership site. Restrict content, use coupon codes, and monetize your membership site while enjoying the benefits of recurring revenue
The Membership for WooCommerce plugin is perfect for creating an exclusive, members-only section in your eCommerce store, helping you generate recurring revenue through membership plans.
This plugin is especially beneficial for niches like educational platforms, fitness and wellness businesses, and digital content providers, where exclusivity and special access are key to engaging customers.
It helps you easily manage memberships, restrict content, and offer paid access to products or services, making it an essential tool for businesses looking to build long-term customer relationships and generate steady revenue.
- Restrict content with the Membership plugin.
- Adding recurring revenue based on memberships.
- Engaging customers using membership plans.
Note: Our Membership for WooCommerce Plugin is Compatible with WooCommerce High Order Performance Storage (HPOS) to ensure the smooth workflow of your WooCommerce store.
Membership For WooCommerce Demo | Membership WooCommerce Documentation | Contact Us
Key Features of the Membership for WooCommerce Plugin
WooCommerce store owners already have so much to handle. And we want to simplify things for you to the bare minimum. So, we exhibit to you the most appropriate and must-have features for your membership website. This WooCommerce Membership free plugin brings you:
1) Offer Notifications To Members Via WhatsApp Easily send offer notifications to your members via WhatsApp! The Membership for WooCommerce plugin lets you notify members at different levels about special deals. Just configure the WhatsApp integration with your Access Token, Phone ID, and template. Once set up, you can send custom messages directly to users on selected membership levels. Members can also choose to receive or disable these notifications.
2) Offer Free Trial and Sign-Up Fee: The WooCommerce Membership plugin lets you offer a free trial for memberships while charging an initial sign-up fee, helping you attract more customers with a risk-free trial while generating upfront revenue. Customers can pay the sign-up fee, enjoy the free trial, and their membership will automatically start as a paid plan once the trial ends.
Note: This feature requires the Subscription for WooCommerce plugin to work.
3) Members Dashboard: A « Membership Details » tab has been added to the My Account section, giving customers easy access to important details like total discounts earned, Active Subscriptions and membership information. This feature enhances user experience by providing a centralized view of their membership benefits.
4) New Membership Plan Page Template: We’ve added a new membership offer page with a better design and clearer information. It now includes a collapsible section where users can click an arrow to show or hide the membership details. This makes it easier for customers to see what they need, helping them decide faster and improving conversions.
5) New Membership Details Layout: A new layout has been introduced for the membership details page in the « My Account » section. You can apply this new layout and customize the colors of the membership details to match your preferences.
6) Redirect Users Upon Registration: Using Membership with WooCommerce plugin improves user experience by smoothly redirecting users to your chosen page when they sign up. Activate the option, pick your desired page—whether it’s the Cart, Membership Plan, My Account, or any other page—and create a more personalized onboarding journey.
7) Membership Details and Plan Creation: In the WordPress Membership Plugin admin can display offered products and product categories in a membership plan. Those products and categories can only be accessible to users if they have purchased the WooCommerce membership plan. Admin is completely entitled to the creation and detailing of WooCommerce membership plans like:
- Plan price
- Plan name
- Plan Description
- Access Type (Lifetime or Limited accessibility)
8) User Table for Admin: In WooCommerce Membership Plugin instead, metadata will be saved and displayed in the user table as member type.
9) Filter Member According to Membership Plan and Column Added in Members Table: Admin can allow their members to filter members by membership plans. This will help you to find the details of members according to the plans. Go to all members, click on the filter by membership plan, and find the customer.
10) Filter Member According to Status Using Membership with WooCommerce plugin, you can filter members by status. You can filter the member by the status of their product. Go to all members and click on the filter by status, select the status, and the list of that particular status will open in the table form from there you can find the individual member.
11) Individual Product Membership Plan: Admin can provide the membership plans on individual products or categories. For example: Among the outfits, the store owners only provided the plan for a single product of clothing like a polo T-shirt.
12) Discount On Membership User Cart Total: With WooCommerce membership, free admin can apply discounts based on user roles. Give discounts only to WooCommerce membership users. Admin can grant discounts to his WooCommerce membership customers on total cart value and even offer them free shipping as per their membership plans. This discount can be fixed or percentage-based. Entirely the admin’s choice.
13) One-time Discount Coupon For New Members: Using Membership with WooCommerce plugin, you can create discount coupons exclusively for new members. After new users sign up on your website and buy a membership, they’ll receive an email with their unique coupon, granting them discounts on their membership plan.
14) Show Header and Footer on Membership Plan Page: Membership for WooCommerce plugin has the option to show the header and footer on the membership plans page. Showing header and footer on the membership plan page can provide consistent branding and navigation for users, making it easier for them to understand and navigate the website.
15) Send Quick Notifications to All Users: The WooCommerce Membership plugin allows you to send email notifications to your users in bulk. You can send emails regarding any subject you deem worthy. For example, new membership plan launches, offers, Woo membership discounts, etc.
16) Allow Your Members to Cancel their Membership Accounts: Using WooCommerce Membership free plugin admin can allow their members to cancel their membership anytime. Simple WooCommerce Membership allows users to discontinue their plan whenever they want. Enable the setting in general settings and your customers will get access to cancel your plan.
17) Perfectly Neat Shortcodes For Your WooCommerce Membership Plan Page Customization: WordPress Membership Plugin provides the admin with a remarkable collection of shortcodes that work not only on purchasing the default WooCommerce membership plan but also on the WooCommerce memberships custom page. Admin can design their plan page at ease with membership action shortcodes and membership plan shortcodes. They are for the admin’s utter convenience.
18) Complete User Membership History and WooCommerce Membership Details of Customers: Admin gets a quick preview section for WooCommerce Membership plans on the plans listing page. The Woo membership users can see their history in the ‘My Account’ section with the entire details of their membership plans. This will also show their WooCommerce membership details like the due date of their membership plan, their payment status, etc.
19) Membership User Data Export and Import: Store owners can effortlessly export the WooCommerce membership plans along with the user data and its related settings. Similarly, the admin can also import the details of all WooCommerce membership users as a CSV file.
Admin can also import the WooCommerce membership plans and successfully apply this import if the CSV file products are available in the store. Otherwise, it will fail. Admin can delete the plugin data on the plugin and uninstall the plugin from the database.
20) APIs for Membership Offer Details and Purchased Membership Plans: The WooCommerce membership plugin offers APIs to fetch details about active membership plans (Membership ID, Name, Type, Price, & Duration) and purchased memberships by any user (Membership ID, Name, Price, Validity, Duration, & Status). Apply the required parameters along with the API secret key and show these details in any web application, desktop application, mobile application, scripting language, or API documentation.
21) Multi-Step Configuration of Membership for WooCommerce: With a multi-step configuration on installing the plugin, the admin gets assistance in creating his first membership plan. The home tab is also included according to the plugin configuration concept.
22) Create User After Payment Done: Using the WooCommerce Membership Free Plugin, the admin can create a user after completing the payment. No default member will be created on your WooCommerce store immediately after the membership purchase. This setting can be enabled or disabled anytime from the general setting. Offer members-only individual product discounts and increase customer loyalty and engagement rate.
23) Create Membership in the Order Processing Stage: You can enroll users into your membership plans even when their membership order is in the processing stage. It allows you to quickly create new members for your site’s programs.
24) The Buy Now Button Text Can Be Changed To Dynamic Text: With Membership plugin store owners can now give the dynamic look to the Buy Now Button by changing it into a different format. For example: Purchase Now, Grab Now, and many more.
25) Addition of Quick Status Update in Member Table: Admin can change the status directly from the member table if the status is pending. Else status is changed from an individual product. Go to all members and click on pending statuses to change the status directly.
Drive Engagement, Foster Loyalty, and Increase Cash Flow with These Curated Features
- Dynamically send a welcome email to new members when they join a membership program
- Membership Reports Dashboard for Better Insights
- Stimulate your user’s experience with Dark Mode on Membership Plan Pages (New)
- Send email notifications to all members at once
- Allow your Members to Cancel their Membership Accounts
- Use APIs to render data regarding membership offers and plans opted by users
- Assign membership to users manually
- Display all membership plans together and options to buy them
- Customize the plan page using shortcodes
- Complete WooCommerce members and plans details
- Assign or sell membership plans, restrict access facility to WooCommerce members-only
- Filter Member According to Membership Plan and Column Added in Members Table
Have a Query? Visit Membership for WooCommerce Documentation and learn more about the features and working of the plugin.
Bookings For WooCommerce: Membership for WooCommerce is Compatible with our Bookings Plugin. This allows you to easily add booking products to a membership plan. For example, a spa membership can offer members discounts on massage bookings. You can also restrict non-members from purchasing these booking products, ensuring exclusive access for members.
Elementor Builder Compatibility: Membership for WooCommerce is fully compatible with Elementor Builder, allowing you to directly use all the shortcodes from the membership plugin within Elementor. This makes customizing and managing your membership site simpler and more efficient.
Subscriptions for WooCommerce : The admin can offer membership subscriptions to users for limited access. For limited access, the admin can decide the subscription duration of the membership plan.
Wallet System for WooCommerce: With our wallet system plugin the admin can set up a digital wallet system on their WooCommerce store and its compatibility with the membership plugin allows the admin to accept membership payment via wallet. Users can easily add money to their wallets and use it to buy memberships hassle-free.
WPML Compatibility: Membership for WooCommerce lets the admin add desired content and translate it into multiple languages. WPML compatibility gives you easy access to professional translation management.
WooCommerce HPOS Compatibility: Our WooCommerce Membership Plugin is Compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS). HPOS Compatibility allows you to use an alternate storage mechanism for your orders to increase your WooCommerce store’s performance.
1) Customize emails: Membership Pro plugin lets you easily customize email subject lines and messages for membership creation, expiration, and cancellation.
2) Show Discounts to Non-Members: Display discounted products to non-members or customers without a WooCommerce membership plan. This encourages them to join and enjoy exclusive member discounts.
3) Detailed Membership Reports: Get clear insights into your memberships with easy-to-read reports and better graphics. See member growth, earnings, and trends at a glance
4) Restrict Access to Content: Membership Pro plugin lets you control access to products, pages, and posts for membership plan users. You can restrict premium content to members only
5) Shortcode to Show Membership Plans: Display membership plans using shortcodes like [wps_membership_title_name], [wps_membership_price], [wps_membership_desc_data], and more for customization.
6) Two Best Templates Two free templates are available to display membership plans: « Simple Plan Template » and « Comparison Plan Template.
The admin has enough features in the Membership for WooCommerce plugin, but things will get even better in the premium version of Membership for WooCommerce Membership free.
Note: Get Membership for WooCommerce Pro
If you need support or have any questions then kindly use our online chat window here and discover all types of WooCommerce Extensions for your eCommerce store.
If our documentation doesn’t contain the solution to your problem, you can visit the WP Swings Forums Community or connect with us then Generate a Ticket
Create and Revamp your eCommerce store with WooCommerce Services
Access Type Settings Attach Membership General Settings Membership Included Section Membership Feature Section Membership Plan Offers Membership Plans Members Log Memberships Plan Details Memberships Shortcodes User Log Welcome Page Add Membership Plan Membership Restriction API Setting Tab Other Setting Retrieve Membership Offers API To Retrieve Particular User Membership API Purchasing Discount Offer Content Restriction Add Members Send Quick Notifications
Automatic installation
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Membership for WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click Add New.
In the search field type « Membership for WooCommerce » and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly, of course, you can install it by simply clicking « Install Now ».
Manual installation
The manual installation method involves downloading our Membership for WooCommerce and uploading it to your webserver via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress contains instructions on how to do this here.
Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.
What is the basic purpose of using the Membership for WooCommerce plugin?
The Membership for WooCommerce plugin lets the WooCommerce store owners create and sell memberships and assign membership levels to their users. The store owner can give discounts to WooCommerce members based on their memberships.
What are the features regarding the Membership Plans available using the WooCommerce Membership plugin?
The Admin panel will have the Memberships Menu. In this submenu, you can find the features regarding the membership Plans, which allow the following:
- Create new plans for your membership customers
- Edit existing membership plans
- Find all the plans that you have ever created.
Where can you find complete user details of all the Members who have purchased the Membership Plans?
The Admin panel will have the memberships Menu. In this submenu, you can find all members. This space is for the admin where he can find complete user details like:
- Membership ID
- Membership Status
- User
- Expiry date
You can also Import and export members’ details & add new members.
Are there any shortcodes available in the WooCommerce Membership extension?
Yes, Membership for WooCommerce provides functionality to the admin to customize the membership plan page and notifications through the shortcodes provided in Memberships >> Shortcodes space. The Membership for WooCommerce extension has an improved set of shortcodes for:
- Membership Action Shortcodes
- Membership Plans Shortcodes
You can check them in the Shortcodes tab of the Membership for WooCommerce plugin for these shortcodes.
From where can I enable the Membership for WooCommerce plans to show on the front end?
Admin can enable the Membership plans from the General settings of Membership for WooCommerce plugin: Go to Dashboard > WP Swings > Membership for WooCommerce > General Settings.
Admin can enable/disable Membership for WooCommerce plugin functionality on the front end. The users won’t see it if you disable it. -
Is there any option in the free Membership plugin to show/hide the Membership plan history to the users?
Yes, Admin can enable the visibility of the user history from the General Settings of the Membership for WooCommerce plugin. This way, the user can visit and see their plan history in the membership tab on the ‘My Account Page’.
Will this WooCommerce Membership plugin be compatible with my current theme?
Yes, The Membership for WooCommerce plugin is compatible with all popular themes that follow WooCommerce standards.
Does the Membership for WooCommerce plugin provide the Shortcode to display the membership plan/price?
Yes, The Membership for WooCommerce plugin has a shortcode section to display the Membership plan, price, and description.
- Membership Plan Title : [[wps_membership_title_name]]
- Membership Plan Price : [wps_membership_price]
- Membership Plan Desc : [wps_membership_desc_data]
Can I add as many levels of Membership as I want using the Membership for WooCommerce plugin?
Yes, you can create as many levels as you want using the Membership for WooCommerce plugin.
Is there any option in a Membership for WooCommerce plugin to provide the user with lifetime membership or limited membership?
Yes, The admin can set the membership to lifetime or limited using the Membership for WooCommerce plugin. The admin can set either of the two.
My question is not listed
Please visit the WP Swings Knowledgebase and for a more detailed visit Membership for WooCommerce Documentation.
Contributors & Developers
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
2.7.0 – Released on 07 February 2025
- New: Whatsapp Integration ( Send offer notification on whatsapp )
- New: Whatsapp notification activation/deactivation on user end
- Fix: Export Members Issues
- Fix: Membership renewal date issues
- New: Compatible with latest WP( 6.7.1 ) & WC( 9.6.1 )
2.6.3 – Released on 14 January 2025
- New : Compatibility with latest WP(6.7.1) & WC(9.5.2)
- Fix : Plugin stability
2.6.2 – Released on 03 January 2025
- New : Members dashboard on user end
- New : Free trial and signup fee option in Membership Plan
- New : Compatibility with latest WP( 6.7.1 ) & WC( 9.5.1 )
- Fix : Validation Issues
2.6.1 – Released on 22 October 2024
- New: New Offer template – org/pro
- New: Compatible with latest WP(6.6.2) & WC(9.3.3)
2.6.0 – Released on 25 September 2024
- New : Compatible with Booking Plugin
- New : Option to change Membership tab layout
- New : Compatible with latest WP( 6.6.2 ) & WC( 9.3.2 )
2.5.3 – Released on 27 August 2024
- New : Compatible with latest WP(6.6.1) & WC(9.2.3)
- Fix : Issue fix for round discount
2.5.2 – Released on 26 July 2024
- New : Compatible with latest WP(6.6) & WC(9.1.2)
2.5.1 – Released on 21 June 2024
- New : Compatible with latest WP(6.5.4) & WC(9.0.1)
- New : Welcome Email template for new members
2.5.0 – Released on 28 May 2024
- New : Compatible with Elementor Plugin (Shortcode Widget Creation)
- New : Compatible with latest WP(6.5.3) & WC(8.9.1)
- Fixes : Fixed Subscription plugin compatibility issues
2.4.1 – Released on 24 April 2024
- New : Compatible with latest WP(6.5.2) & WC(8.8.2)
- New : Create one time discount coupon setting for the new members
2.4.0 – Released on 02 April 2024
- New : Compatible with Wallet Plugin
- New : Compatible with latest WP(6.4.3) & WC(8.7.0)
- Enhance : Report Section in Org plugin
2.3.6 – Released on 6 March 2023
- New : Option to Header & Footer on Membership Page
- New : Compatibility with latest WP( 6.4.3 ) & WC( 8.6.1 )
2.3.5 – Released on 23 January 2024
- New: Option to re-direct user when register
- New: Compatible with latest WP( 6.4.2 ) & WC( 8.5.1 )
- Fix: Product edit page uploading image issues
2.3.4 – Released on 13 December 2023
- New: Compatible with latest WC(8.4.0) & WP(6.4.2)
- Fix: Membership discount issues fixed
- Fix: Validation issues Fixed
2.3.3 – Released on 31 October 2023
- New: Compatible with latest WC(8.2.1) & WP(6.3.2)
- New: Added new template
- New: Added a dark mode option
2.3.2 – Released on 25 September 2023
- New: Compatible with HPOS
- New: Compatible with latest WC( 8.1.1 ) & WP( 6.3.1 )
- Fix: Fixes related to settings
- Fix: Cart Discount Issues
- Fix: Product Discount Issues
- Fix: Designing Issues
2.3.1 – Released on 1 August 2023
- New: List API details on the Admin Panel
- New: Compatible with latest WP(6.2.3) & WC(8.0.0)
- Fix: Cart empty issues fixed
2.3.0 – Released on 30 June 2023
- New: API Feature
- New: Endpoints to show membership offer
- New: Endpoints to show individuals assigned members
- New: Compatible with latest WP( 6.2.2 ) & WC( 7.8.1 )
- Fix: Plugin listing page CSS issues
- Enhance: Acknowledge message for admin while creating membership
- Fix: Membership plan creation issues
- Fix: String localization issues
- Fix: Add to cart issues
2.2.2 – Released on 2023
- New: Send Quick Notification Email to Your Members.
- New: Create Membership on Processing Order Status
- New: Compatibility with WC(7.6.1) and WP(6.2.0).
2.2.0 – Released on 17 March 2023
- New: Setting for Membership Creation
- New: Compatible with the latest WooCommerce (7.5.0) & WordPress (6.1.1)
2.1.8 – Released on 6 February 2023
- New: Compatible with the latest WooCommerce & WordPress
2.1.7 – Released on 23 December 2022
- New: Compatible with the latest WooCommerce & WordPress
- Fix: Minor Bug Fixes (Fixed Security Issues)
2.1.6 – Released on 29 November 2022
- Fix: Minor Bug Fixes (Add to Cart Issue Fix)
- Fix: Compatible with the latest WooCommerce and WordPress
2.1.5 – Released on 17 October 2022
- New: Compatible with PHP8
- Fix: Minor Bug Fixes( Compatibility issue with Subscription Plugin )
- Fix: Compatible with the latest WooCommerce and WordPress
2.1.4 – Released on 6 September 2022
- New: Filter members according to a membership plan and column added in the member’s table
- New: Filter member according to status
- New: Addition of Quick Status Update in the member table
- New: Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce and WordPress
- Fix: Wrong Membership name display on single product page fixed
2.1.3 – Released on 24 June 2022
- New: Change Buy Now button text
New: Allow customers to cancel membership
New: Attach membership plan with product
- New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC
2.1.2 – Released on 2 June 2022
- New: Minor Bug Fixes
- New: Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce and WordPress
2.1.1 – Released on 8 April 2022
- Fix: Migration issue.
2.1.0 – Released on 8 April 2022
- New: Some substantial changes across different areas of the plugin.
- New: Minor Bug Fixes
- New: Compatibility with WooCommerce and WordPress
2.0.2 – Released on 3 February 2022
- New: Notice display of current version for WP Swings
- New: Change author from MakeWebBetter to WP Swings
- New: Compatible with the latest WP and WC
- Fix: Minor Bug fixes
2.0.1 – Released on 4 December 2021
- New: Setting to Create membership after the payment done
- New: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.2
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
2.0.0 – Released on 11 November 2021
- New: Compatible with Subscriptions for WooCommerce
- New: Compatible with [Mautic WooCommerce Integration]
- New: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.9 and WordPress 5.8.1
- New: Display all membership plans together and options to buy them
- New: Offer membership subscriptions for limited access to membership plans
- New: User Table for Admin
- New: Multi-Step Configuration of Membership for WooCommerce
- New: Display All Membership Plans Together With the Option to Buy Them
1.2.0 – Released on 1 October 2021
- New: Compatible with Multisite
- New: Compatible with WPML Compatibility
- New: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.7.1 and WordPress 5.8.1
- New: Add to trash button on all members tab in bulk edit
- New: The membership plan tab will reflect all plans
- Fix: Minor bug fixes
1.1.0 – Released on 23 August 2021
- New: Compatible with Membership for WooCommerce Pro Version
- New: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.6 and WordPress 5.8
- Fix: small bug fixes
1.0.1 – Released on 13 April 2021
- New: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.1.0 and WordPress 5.7
1.0.0 – Released on 12 March 2021
- First version